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“Sticking to a program has always been difficult for me. The tight TBR community of positive people has amazed me and now I look forward to the next workout. I have done every diet known. I thought I knew everything about counting fat, carbs & calories. However, the grocery store tour was a complete game changer!”


“Goal reached! Today is the day I reached my weight loss goal. In late March I attended a pool party wearing blue jeans because I was embarrassed of myself. I would not wear shorts, let alone a bikini. Living in Florida, I knew this had to change since bathing suits are a big part of life here. So I returned to TBR bootcamp wearing sweatpants to hide myself. While the sweatpants didn’t last long in this hot weather, I continued to attend 3 to 4 sessions a week. About a month ago I was discouraged about the number on the scale not going down and Julia told me to give it another month so I did. And now just 2 months in, I have reached the goal I set for myself and not only that, but I feel better, my clothes fit better, I see muscle tone now, and I will not be wearing blue jeans to any more pool parties this year! I couldn’t have, wouldn’t have done it without TBR and Julia. I love that you never do the same workout twice and her cute little sayings run through my head to keep me encouraged.”


"They changed my life!!!!! So supportive and always available for help and advice."


"Diet?? Not quite! This fitness challenge is one of the best things I've ever done in my life!"


"I want to give a shout out to these 2 absolutely amazing ladies!! Since I started with TBR I have kicked caffeine, sugar & stimulants and went pescatarian. I feel so good about my body!! I have learned so much about how my body reacts to certain foods and chemicals and feel so much better! I know I'm only going to continue to learn more. If you feel your at a plateau or just need the extra Push or support come give it a try!! Beautiful friendships amazing workout and TOTAL BODY RESULTS"


"I started working out with Julia in February weighing 200 lb and now I'm down to 158lbs. I don't recognize the girl in the first picture anymore! I'm glad she's gone and I don't want her back!


"This program truly rocks, I have gained newfound knowledge, strength, and have said goodbye a lot of negative thinking....what a great way of life we have here."


“I’m Now 112 lbs. And Am In The Best Shape Of My Life!”


“Thanks for all the encouragement and all the help within the last year in knowing you. If it was not for you I would have never lost 60 pounds!”


“I look and feel better than I ever have before!” Angela transformed her body & got in the best shape of her life!


“I started TBR and lost 20 lbs I saw a big difference in clothes and appearance. I’ve put on muscle mass so the actual FAT loss is even greater! I have lots of energy and feel light on my feet!”


“I tried some at home work out programs but wasn’t seeing the results I wanted. This was one of the best calls I have made for myself and my health. Since being in the program I lost a total of 16 pounds, multiple inches and finally reached my goal weight (pre-pregnancy size).”

Barb & JD

Although Barb attended the local rec center and JD had a personal trainer, they weren’t satisfied with their results. Attending the grocery store tour and completing a TBR meal plan was a pivotal moment. Since joining the TBR family, Barb has lost 20lbs, and JD has lost 15lbs!


“From the day of my first class with Julia, I knew that TBR would become my new fitness family.”


“People tell me every day how great I look. I have so much energy I’m annoying. My stomach hasn’t been upset (I always had a nervous stomach), My skin has cleared up, I sleep great, I’m as strong as can be, and can probably fight like a ninja if given the opportunity. I always knew I had it in me, but without the help of Total Body Results I never would have looked this slammin.”


I love TBR because I’m never bored with the workouts since they’re different each time. Plus, being outside is so refreshing. I love working out in nature! I also love how nice everyone is. We’re one big fit fam!”


You know how people come in and out of your life for a reason. Well Julie is one of those inspiring and encouraging people that it was an honor of having her and her staff that made a huge difference in my awesome life. I miss those great beach and park workouts. Julie is a remarkable person that will always have a impact on my life. Thank you for your special words of encouragement for a even better year to come. I miss Florida and that special loving team from TBR. You can't go wrong when it comes to their training classes.😁

Carrie Ruckdeschel

Julia is an incredible fitness mind, who has improved my life with her thoughtful workouts, positive vibes, inspiration, knowledge of the body and mind, nutrition - all of it! She was able to help me turn things around when I needed a trainer the most. I love the outdoor workouts; they are even worth traveling for. They are challenging and fun. She always shows up excited with positive vibes. Get your heart pumping, body moving and mind calmed with your friends. What a great way to start the day! Highly recommend TBR. Don't wait another day to start feeling your best.


So proud of Victoria for rocking with us! Her consistency has paid off. Amazing results in less than 3 months.


THE BEST!!! Love the workout, love the people, love being outdoors. I’ve never been happier or healthier!


In six weeks, Rhonda accomplished, her goal is to have better balance, coordination, become stronger and lose 20 pounds! She lost 12 inches post back surgery, 62 years young & unstoppable!


Adam is one of our in-home personal training program members.
When we met for our first session, he had never exercised or lifted weights before.
Adam was committed.
He worked hard twice a week for 3 months.
The progress he had made is truly inspiring.
He lost 30 lbs & got healthy!

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